Our body is the physical manifestation of our being. Through our body we feel and experience sensations, we relate to others and we live our everyday life. But physical pain is inevitable. If you have tried medicines, physiotherapy and other methods and none has worked for you, we present Body Stress Release. Annita van Arkel-Verheugen, one of the two practitioners in Spain, tells us all its keys.
Like many people, Annita suffered from back pain. Years ago she was diagnosed with wear in the lower back and neck. To relieve this injury she went to several specialists and received the usual treatments. She went through the consultation of doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists. Although these methods can work in most people, in her specific case none of these specialists could help her with the pain. Then, by chance of fate, she met a practitioner of Body Stress Release. Annita started visiting her regularly… and it worked! Now she goes to the clinic for maintenance sessions every five or six weeks and she has not suffered those terrible cramps in her neck and back again, regaining control of her normal life.
Annita was so excited about her treatment that she decided to pass it on to others. To do it she applied for a place in the academy. There are only two academies of Body Stress Release in the world. The South African academy offers one course per year, while in the centre of Dorset, in the United Kingdom, there is only one course every two years. Annita decided to study at the English academy and finally on April 1, 2018 she opened her practise on the Costa Blanca. Hers is the only one in Spain along with that of her colleague in Gavá, near Barcelona. Although Body Stress Release centres are located in 22 countries, there are only about 40 practitioners in the United Kingdom and about 140 in the Netherlands. Therefore, it is a truly exclusive service that can help you feel better, and now you can try it in Benisa!
But what is Body Stress Release?
Gail and Ewald Meggersee, two chiropractors who studied and graduated in America, founded Body Stress Release in South Africa in 1981. This is a non-manipulative technique through which a series of light pressures are performed on the patient’s body. To do this, the points where stress is concentrated in the body are located and the practitioner performs a series of releases using a thumb or finger with which he or she applies a slight pressure or impulse. This generates certain messages in the brain that alerts it about the accumulated tension and initiates a self-healing response. The creators of this technique ensure that the body does not need strong stimulus to respond and this non-invasive method is suitable for people of all ages.
Do not hesitate, Body Stress Release can help you stop feeling that pain that does not let you enjoy your life. Get in touch with Annita by phone +34 634 304 391 or email info@bsrcostablanca.com. Her practise is at calle El Verderol, 14, in Benisa. If you want to know more information visit her website (https://www.bsrcostablanca.com) or her Facebook profile (https://www.facebook.com/pg/BodyStressReleaseCostaBlanca).